Certainly many of us have seen these beautiful and distinguished cats and we’ve been wondering what kind of breed they were. There is no other breed in the world, who would grow up to such impressive sizes and who would reach such an age as Maine Coons. As for their intelligence, it can be envied by other cat breeds as well. It is assumed, that they have lived in the wild in the state of Maine, where their first part of the name came from. The Maine Coon is one of the oldest breeds in North America. First cat of this breed was found in New England. Explorers were convinced, that this cat is a result of crossbreed of domestic cat and coon. However, such an interspecific crossbreeding is not possible. Characteristic large ears and beautiful fluffy tail remind the coon.

    Another story refers to the Vikings, who could have brought on their ships Norwegian Forest Cats, traveling to the New World. There is a strong resemblance of the Norwegian Forest Cat to the Maine Coon, and, according to the story, the crossing with the local cats has given a rise to the Maine Coon breed.

    By 1980 all major federations and cat associations had accepted the Maine Coon breed. The history of this breed is long and has many versions. The size and uniqueness of the Maine Coons don’t allow anyone to pass by with indifference.

    Gentle, friendly, not founding themselves being alone. It won’t be an exaggeration to compare their character to the dog’s. Entering the house, owner is being welcomed by the cat, purring in every possible way.

    Every single thing made by the owner must necessarily be inspected. They accompany in all activities in the house, starting with floor cleaning, through dinner cooking, and ending with window washing. They follow their owner all the time. Characteristic for the Maine Coon cats is that they don’t mew. Sounds made by cats of this breed can be called a “talking”. After a short time the owner is able to distinguish form and tone of “cooing”. It is easy to tell whether cat invites you to play, asks for a treat or misses another house member. Ingenuity of playing with unusual different things is surprising, for example: bathroom sink plug, pulled out with a method known only by the cat, is a fantastic toy. Examples of intelligence and ingenuity of Maine Coons can be multiplied. In short, the Maine Coon cats are the most gentle giants in the world. They are excellent for families with children and other pets, with whom a cat of this breed will find a common language.

    The Maine Coon cats are classified as a medium-haired. Soft and dense undercoat make the fur very delicate. When the winter approaches, on their had and neck the fur becomes longer, giving the collar look. One of the characteristic things of these cats is a tail. It reaches a length of up to 50 cm. During fast walking a fluffy coat on the tail waves in rhythm of steps. The tail raised up and stately walk give the cat an elegance and majesty. Looking at the cat you cannot miss beautiful large ears with a tufts. Triangular head, strong chin and big round eyes is a view, which will enchant everyone. Cat lovers and opponents after seeing the Maine Coon in all its glory will never forget this view.


    We must remember, that our pets retained all perceptual abilities, that their wild-living ancestors have used.

    Since childhood we have been taught, that the cats can see at night. Nothing could be further from the truth. In absolute darkness the cat is just as helpless as a man. However, all cat needs is the weakest ray of the light, which cat’s eye can focus. Because the cat’s eye is adapted to use the weakest light reflections. At the bottom of the eye is a layer of reflective cells, which work like a mirror. The light entering retina is reflected from the reflective layer, so that it reinforces them doubly. Such a light dose multiplies its effect and significantly increases cat’s night vision. Thanks to these “reflective” cells at night and often in the pictures cat’s eyes glow in gold or green.

    A major role in cats vision plays a pupil. Domestic cats have vertical pupil, pumas – round and bigger wild cats have an oval pupil. Narrow pupil has greater ability to stronger constriction, which gives better protection to sensitive retina. Focusing the light by the cat’s eye works in the same way as by human eye. The accommodation process is done by involuntary muscle spasm. It is designed to emphasize or flatten a lens while watching the objects.

    Scientists are convinced, that cats are able to distinguish colors, but their brain doesn’t receive them. For the cats colors don’t fulfill any role, even while catching an appetizing mouse.

    A very important role in this sense fulfill cat whiskers. They help cat to navigate. The cat whiskers are called vibrissae. They are implanted dipper in the skin than the rest of the whiskers. They are stiff, thick and straight. Their hair follicle is located close to sinus venosus. They are placed on the chicks, above the eyes, on the lower and upper lip. They function as a touch organ. For example, they help to orient themselves in complete darkness. Over the whole body cats have plenty of nerve endings. Stroking by human is perceived as a pleasure, because it is associated with a licking by mother in early childhood. It seems, that animals can feel first tremors, which are still undetectable by the human. It was observed, that cats can sense vibrations of the earthquake even 15-20 minutes before the tragedy.

    Cat’s ear is moved by 30 muscles, so that the cat can swivel the ear precisely in sound direction. The cats can hear sounds up to 65 kHz, human – only to 20 kHz. The cat can hear his owner’s voice even from 300 meters and quickly comes running to the call – of course if it wants to.

    Smell is not as important as the hearing and sight, but also fulfills an important role in the cat’s life. Thanks to this sense they know freshness degree of the food, also it helps to mate in estrous cycle. Once the volatile molecules of odoriferous substances contact, olfactory cells become irritated. Nerve impulse that arises is passed straight to the brain. The cats have an additional sense organ in the nasal cavity – it’s a Jacobson’s organ. It has a shape of a tube located on the palate. Its outlet is located inside the mouth. In other words it is called a taste-olfactory organ. It allows cats to precisely decode fragrance sign, left by other cats. That is why the cat sniffing something has often open month. Thanks to this specific sense, the cats produce for their own use an “image” of other cat, human or object.

    Cat’s taste buds are located in tongue papillae, in the palate and on the throat wall. Sharp tabs of the cat tongue have nothing to do with his taste sensation. These tabs are used to clan the fur from dust and other contaminants. Thanks to them, we associate cat tongue with a grater.

    Cat’s sense of balance is much more developed than the dog’s. it is not true that the cat always falls on four feet. The cats falling from the dozen meters very often hurt themselves. During the fall the cat’s body takes the position with the paws down. The sense of balance allows it, which is located in the inner ear. The cat’s tail during the fall functions as a rudder and brake at the same time. Not all cats are lucky to fall safely to quickly run in their own direction. So hence the appeal: SECURE WINDOWS AND BALCONIES, let our friends be safe.